I've got an employment problem. In my town where finding a job can be difficult, I have a double-job problem. I have been working for a man who I owe a lot to. He has been a big help to me for a number of years. However, I have no benefits. I have just been offered a job by a company who is offering me benefits. I could really use insurance for my family. The pay is about the same. But my leaving will put my current employer in a fix, as we are in the middle of a job. Any ideas?
Not Jobless
Mr. Job,
Wait. I'm sorry. I'm kind of in a ecstatic stupor over here. If I read your letter correctly, you are troubled by the increasingly rare and wonderful issue: the L-word. Loyalty. Lucky you, and lucky anyone you work for. To not just walk away from someone who has helped you should be standard behavior, but unfortunately, it's not.
I agree with you that this is a dilemma. Providing properly for our families is a priority. Thus, taking a good job with insurance for the family is the thing to do. However, I don't know what the family obligations are, thus I don't know if part two is possible. Is it possible to work a double shift for a while? Or perhaps some long weekend days with your old job in addition to your new hours? If it is possible, even with temporary extreme effort, to not desert someone you owe a debt of gratitude to is also the way to go. Additionally, modeling good behaviors is the best way to pass on the gift to our children. You sound like you would be a good man to know.